Margarita & Dylan Wedding

Mt Airy Lavender Farm, PA

“Moonrise Kingdom”

Venue: Mt Airy Lavender Farm, Coatesville PA

Photographer: Shoua Lor Photography

When Margarita and Dylan (collectively known as MARGON) shared a canoe together during a pre-college “get to know you” excursion, little did they know that would be the start of a life long adventure together. Thier love for the outdoors and favorite Wes Anderson movie “Moonrise Kingdom” led to the inspiration for their wedding. To accomodate many of their out of town guests, Camp MARGON was set up, complete with their own handmade teardrop campler. A custom designed Hex sign incorporating all of their favorite things, was a common theme throughout the wedding. A muted color scheme as well as dried flowers were used to capture the end of the summer vibe.

Featured Designs

  • Flower comb, bouquet and coat pocket boutonniere

  • Lush Floral Arbor

  • Canoe “Cooler” 

  • Hex Sign

  • Camping Elements

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